Tuesday 7 June 2011

Welcoming the staff and students of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences to Linda and Paula Anne’s blog.

For those of you who don’t know us already, we are the subject specialists in the Library, working with the staff and students of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, to ensure that you can make the most of the resources (books, journals, databases etc.) and services (lending, inter-library loans, training etc.) in your research, teaching and learning.

We have created this blog to explore how the new web technologies enabling more interactive communications can help in the above objective by making it possible for our customers to make comments and enter into discussions on the information we will provide. We envisage this blog as being an interactive form of communication, where we can post articles about specific resources, services, answers to frequently asked questions etc. and these articles can be added to by staff and students sharing their experiences. We don’t want to be too prescriptive however, so let’s see how things develop.

Watch out for our next post, which will be on how we get books on reading lists into the Library. In the meantime we welcome any questions or comments anyone might have.

Paula Anne Beasley (Computer Science, EECE, Maths, Mech. Eng. and Physics).
Linda Norbury (Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, and Met. & Mat.